Empower NET Video

Wednesday 24 October 2012

My thoughts on the new iPad Mini and death of iPad 3

It all begins in April, 2010 when the world been mesmerize by it. And since then Apple has sold over 100 million iPads. They have been updated several times, with faster processors, longer battery life and various other improvements. However the form factor have always been the same size, all with a 9.7″ display with minor cosmetic improvement.
The picture leaks is correct, with the release of the iPad mini Apple change the size of the iPad. The new mini sports a 7.9″ display that can be used one-handed. [ Read More ]

Saturday 20 October 2012

If business isn’t EASY, you need to rethink and review…

…this might sound a bit ‘off‘ from what a lot of people are saying, but I PROMISE you, that what I’m saying here is not only true, but when you really get it – I don’t think you’ll ever struggle to have money in your life again.
Let me define this for you…
When I say that making money is easy – I’m not saying it doesn’t involve work – what I am saying is that there should be no struggle involved in the process, and when you understand the flow of money and how to create income on demand, your income will ‘flow’ instead of having that feeling that you’re beating your forehead against a wall with nails in it…
Here’s how this post got inspired:
I was in an airport the other day, and got talking to a speech pathologist who is traveling through Costa Rica with some friends for the next month or two.  After 2 or 3 minutes, she asked me what I do for a living, and I just decided to tell her the truth…
“I’m a drug dealer.”
After she got nervous, I laughed and said ‘kidding, seriously – what I do is EVEN better – I get paid to live like I want all day.’
We then started talking about economics, the government, the Federal Reserve System, and how the internet and instant communication fits into the future of the world.
(well, OK – it was me talking and her being bewildered by foreign concepts that almost no one understands…)

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