Empower NET Video

Thursday 22 November 2012

Do "Tell a Friend" Campaigns Still Work?

When internet marketing was still in its infancy, "tell a friend" initiatives were unbelievably effective. All you had to do was put up an email box, ask people to send your stuff to their pals and they would.

Today it's entirely different. People are a lot more conservative with their time and their pals' time. In other words, they won't deliver something to their pals unless they truly thought their pals would appreciate it.

So do "tell a friend" projects still work? Absolutely. However the method needs to be totally different. Right here are a couple of methods to make a "tell a friend" project work.

Use Facebook

In a way, Facebook is the latest and potentially most effective "tell a friend" platform in history.

Instead of asking people to email a buddy for you, which takes an extremely high level of emotional commitment, attempt asking them to just repost whatever it is that you're promoting to their Facebook walls.

Instead of simply getting one person to look into your material, you can easily get anywhere from lots to a hundred individuals per share looking at your material.

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Sunday 11 November 2012

Review of iPad Mini to Kindle Fire HD

iPad Mini VS Kindle Fire HD
In late 2011, Amazon released their first color tablet called the Kindle Fire. Then in 2012, they updated it to the Kindle Fire HD. It has been one of, if not the most popular 7-inch tablet but that is likely to change now that Apple has released their iPad mini.
While the iPad mini has many things going for it, Amazon is one of the few companies that is in a position to give Apple a run for its money. They have a huge customer base that spends money on their website on a regular basis. Those customers are the perfect target audience for the Kindle.
And they have another benefit that is probably even more valuable - a huge selection of content. One of Apple's strengths has always been the iTunes store, where they sell music, movies, TV shows and more.
Amazon is really the only competitor that can offer a similar amount of content as Apple. In fact, Amazon has a better selection in many cases, particularly for books.
But even if the content is there, the Kindle Fire HD still has to provide a good experience for its users or they will be likely to choose the iPad mini instead. Let's see how they stack up against one another.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

My thoughts on the new iPad Mini and death of iPad 3

It all begins in April, 2010 when the world been mesmerize by it. And since then Apple has sold over 100 million iPads. They have been updated several times, with faster processors, longer battery life and various other improvements. However the form factor have always been the same size, all with a 9.7″ display with minor cosmetic improvement.
The picture leaks is correct, with the release of the iPad mini Apple change the size of the iPad. The new mini sports a 7.9″ display that can be used one-handed. [ Read More ]

Saturday 20 October 2012

If business isn’t EASY, you need to rethink and review…

…this might sound a bit ‘off‘ from what a lot of people are saying, but I PROMISE you, that what I’m saying here is not only true, but when you really get it – I don’t think you’ll ever struggle to have money in your life again.
Let me define this for you…
When I say that making money is easy – I’m not saying it doesn’t involve work – what I am saying is that there should be no struggle involved in the process, and when you understand the flow of money and how to create income on demand, your income will ‘flow’ instead of having that feeling that you’re beating your forehead against a wall with nails in it…
Here’s how this post got inspired:
I was in an airport the other day, and got talking to a speech pathologist who is traveling through Costa Rica with some friends for the next month or two.  After 2 or 3 minutes, she asked me what I do for a living, and I just decided to tell her the truth…
“I’m a drug dealer.”
After she got nervous, I laughed and said ‘kidding, seriously – what I do is EVEN better – I get paid to live like I want all day.’
We then started talking about economics, the government, the Federal Reserve System, and how the internet and instant communication fits into the future of the world.
(well, OK – it was me talking and her being bewildered by foreign concepts that almost no one understands…)

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